Sunday, June 29, 2008

I've been tagged

How To Play This Game of Tag: Post these rules on your blog. List: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, & 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!


1. Levi. I seriously do not know what I would do without him. He is such a great husband and father and he just makes me feel so loved. He never has said anything hurtful to me, even when he is mad at me. I just love him so much and he is my greatest joy.

2. Tayton and Tanna! I love love love being a mom. Tayton is a lot of hard work but he is so much fun. Right about the time when I have had enough and I am about ready to strangle him, he comes over to me and gives me a big hug and kiss and tells me how much he loves me. He is always making me laugh and he is so fun. Tanna is straight from Heaven. She is the best baby ever and all I have to do is look at her and I want to cry. She loves to cuddle and she is the sweetest thing in the world.

3. Being in the mountains. I never really realized how much I miss the mountains until I moved to Henderson and Laughlin. They have mountains here but there is nothing on them. I miss the Northern Utah and Idaho mountains with rivers, lakes, and gorgeous trees.


1. That Levi is going to die at work. I don't know is anyone else is like this but if Levi is ever late, I get the worst thoughts in my head. I think about what my life would be like without Levi and then I go crazy. It probably doesn't help that he is a police officer and deals with a bunch of drunken idiots all the time. I am just really scared that one day I am going to get a call saying he was killed on the job and I am going to have to raise our kids alone. I don't know what I would ever do if I lost him.

2. That Tayton is going to get hit by a car. Ever since the time Tayton learned to walk he has been running off. I don't know how many times I have disciplined him but he still doesn't get it. He seriously just runs out in the middle of the street. We have taught him how to look both ways for cars but even when he looks he is running in the street. I just don't know what to do with this boy of ours.

3. I am totally scared of scorpions and black widows right now. We have tons of black widows around our town house and last year Levi found a scorpion in our apartment. I am just afraid they will get into our house and hurt me or my kids.


1. Buy a home- I am really glad we didn't buy a house here in Laughlin (sorry to anyone that lives here) but I don't want to stay here forever. I really just want to find a spot that Levi and I both love and buy a house and stop moving around.

2. Exercise- Now that I am not pregnant anymore I really want to start exercising again. It is too hot to do anything outside here so hopefully I can find a fun way to exercise.

3. Become a better person- I want to do a lot of things better. I want to be a better mom and wife. I want to be better with finances and I want to become more spiritual. It will always be something to work on.


1. Hair bows - My friend Shannon taught me how to make hair bows. I am a bit obsessed with it right now, I am making bows for every outfit. I just don't make them as good as Shannon.

2. Food Storage- My parents are really big into food storage and they have been helping us get motivated to get our own. Last year we had maybe 2 or 3 cans of food storage. I think we know have our year supply but I am always buying extra at the grocery store.

3. Baby girl clothes- I guess I have been collecting clothes for Tanna. I have been buying a ton of clothes. I try not to spend too much money. I always shop the clearance sections and she now has a ton of clothes for the entire year. I love to find bargains, like her winter coat. It was originally $45.00 and I bought it for $6.50.


1. My left thumb is shorter than my right.

2. I have had 4 surgeries, 2 broken bones, and I lost count on how many times I have had stitches. No Levi does not beat me, I just get hurt a lot.

3. Levi has a sexy booty!

I tag, Katie, Candice, Shauna, Andi, and Emily ( I think you all should do it!!)


The Johnsons said...

Cute tag! We will be there during the time that you are there!! YAY! We seriously need to get together, even if it is just lunch or something! We will be there on the 17th and we are not going home until sometime in August! That makes me really excited! YAY!

Shan said...

Thanks for the compliment! We will have to have a bow making night!! I will be out of town for a week, so when I get back lets plan it!!

B&B Goldsberry said...

Okay.. I do that same thing when Brandon is late getting home.. I think of the worst possible thing and get sick to my stomach worrying about it! It must just be a girl thing! :)

tina said...

You learn something new every day! My hubby is an LEO too! It's good to know I'm not the only police wife that worries constantly!

Tina (burton) Walker

tina said...

My hubby is UHP. How about yours?

The Johnsons said...

Hey! We are probably staying at my mom's house, but I have the same cell phone number if you still have that. I am excited! I hope that we can set something up!