Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Blakeli's photo shoot

My extremely talented sister in law came to my house and did a little photo shoot of Miss Blakeli!  I loved them and I thought they turned out so cute.

 I love her eyes in this one.

 This one looks likes she is really thinking about something.
 I think she has the cutest little lips.
 Seriously, isn't she the cutest baby!
 Starting to get a little tired.

I love her little yawn.

 Tanna giving her sister some kisses.  Tanna loves to give her kisses all day long and that is about the face Blakeli gives every time.
 Pretty in purple.
 Levi came home for his lunch break so I made him jump on in.  I love these photos, but Blakeli was done.

I think Levi looks so good in his uniform!
So everyone has been asking who she looks like.  So here are all three of my cute babies as newborns.  You can decide for yourself who you think she looks like.  I just think they are all so darn cute!

 Blakeli Rose 

Tanna Brooke

Tayton Levi

I did get professional pictures taken when Tanna was little, but I don't feel like digging through boxes to try to find them, and then scan them onto the computer.  So this is what you get.  And poor Tayton never got any professional pictures as a newborn because we were poor struggling college students at the time.  Thanks again Andria, I love these pictures.  You did a really great job!


Marilyn and Mike said...

Hi Kali - from the first time I saw Balkeli to these photos, I've always thought she looks like your mom! She looks kind and sweet and wise! All rolled into one darling little lady. Love the kisses Tanna keeps giving her, and Tayton is so sweet with her. You have a wonderful family and are settling into a new sense of normal. As always, you're in our thoughts and prayers. Marilyn and Mike

Anonymous said...

wow! its been such a long time! I didnt know you guys were adding a number three to the mix. She is so beautiful! But honestly you guys make freaking cute kids so ya kinda saw that coming.