Sunday, June 9, 2013

Happy Birthday Tanna!

Friday Tanna turned 5!  I can't believe she is all ready 5 years old.  We had a busy day but it was so much fun.  Every year our dentist has a big carnival where he donates all the money raised to Primary Childrens.  This year it happened to fall right on her birthday.  So Tanna thought that all this was for her birthday.  There were ponies, bouncy houses, face painting, carnival games, and so much other fun stuff.  The kids ate pizza, cotton candy, snow cones, cookies.  They were on a sugar high.  It was really fun but super crowded.  I didn't take a lot of pictures, but it was fun.

 Tayton didn't have very much fun at the carnival.  I think it was a little too hot for him so he rode in the stroller and held Blakeli most of the time.  I ended up breaking the stroller trying to lift it on the curb.  I don't think it was designed for an 8 year old.  He did love the snow cones and cotton candy.  I asked him why he wasn't having any fun and he said "I'm just not the same kid as I was last year, I just like video games more." It kind of broke my heart because last year he loved this, he wanted to do all the games and  activities and this year he wouldn't do any of it.  He got a slight cold and had to go back on steroids so maybe that is why, but I do miss my little active boy.  It is so weird to see him so tired just to even walk.  I think Tayton was the most active little boy in the world before, I mean the kid started running at 8 months old.  I wonder if we get him breathing good again if that side of him will return.

I let her open some presents before the carnival, she was to excited that she just couldn't wait!

Then after the carnival, we headed back to our house for a luau party with some family!

 I think Tanna is the most beautiful little girl in the world, but about 80% of her pictures, her eyes are either closed or look like this.  She is not the most photogenic girl, but she is beautiful.

 Both Grandmas having fun at the party.  Now looking at this picture of Grandma Winward I can see where Tanna might have inherited closing her eyes in pictures from.  (And the beauty too because Tanna is all Winward.)
 My beautiful niece Carli, I can't believe how grown up she is. 
 My amazing sister and dad.  Love them!
 Tanna and her cousin Azlyn are only 20 days apart.  They are so cute together.  They got twiner outfits from my mom and they were so excited to wear them.  Azzie slept over that night and all the two girls did all night long was giggle.  It was pretty cute at first, but around 12:30 a.m. it wasn't as cute.

 Thanks mom, she loves them!
 Pretty new princess p.j.'s.
My sister got her a dog with a purse that she has been wanting so bad.
 Tayton finally got a little happier at the party! 

 Here is my nephew Rylan, he is so much fun and only a couple of months younger then Tanna.  They gave her a princess beach towel that she is so in love with.  Thanks Aunt Andria!  Tanna got very spoiled.
Here is Tanna opening her Barbie swim racing pups, she was so excited and has been wanting this for months.  I told her she had to wait for her birthday.  Every time we went to Walmart, she would beg me to go by the toy isle so she could see her swim racing pups.
 This is her when she realized that the swim racing pups don't actually work like how it is shown on t.v.  She cried for about an hour.  I think mostly it was exhaustion from such a fun day, but pretty sad for her that the swimming pups don't swim.  They just kind of float, it's always a sad day when you realize that things on t.v. aren't always as good as what they show.  Overall I think she had a really fun day and her favorite part about her birthday was "EVERYTHING!!!!!!!"  

Also my little Tanna graduated from pre-school at the Peak!  She loves everything about pre-school and wasn't too happy for it to be over.  Here she is singing her songs.

 Her feet are off the ground in this photo, she was really getting into the song.  She loved it.  They gave every child an award, and her award was the Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice award.  They said she was always very sweet at school.  (I just hope she would be that way at home all the time.)

Congrats my beautiful little princess!  I am so proud of you.  She was crying when we left her graduation because she would miss pre-school so much, but don't worry.  Camp Kid starts on Tuesday at the Peak so she is excited.  

And just had to throw in this last picture of my three precious kiddos!  I love them all so much!

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