This is my smallest class, they are dancing to kiss the girl! Aren't they so cute! The little one on the left in the blue almost fell off the stage at the recital. I had to run up and push her back, it was a close call. But everything turned out ok.

Here they are again showing off some ballet moves. I had a total of 3 ballet classes, 2 hip hop classes, and one gymnastics class.

Here is Tayton in his gymnastics class. He had so much fun and everyone told me how cute they were on stage. Their song was "Let's Get Ready to Rumble!" It was cute and they did a great job, then they got medals at the end of their routine. Tayton was really excited!

Another picture of the gymnastics class, I had 12 kids in it but not all of them wanted to get their picture taken. Sorry, I didn't take any pictures of the other classes but I will post them later.

Look at how spoiled I am! My mother-in-law gave me flowers for the recital, and then the kids in my ballet and gymnastic classes also gave me flowers. I was so excited! Thanks everyone! I has so much fun at the recital!

Here is Tanna in her Easter dress after I washed it. She is feeling better except when she stopped throwing up she got an ear infection and right now she is getting her first tooth. Poor girl, she has only been sick once before this, I feel so bad for her.

So pretty!

Tanna's favorite thing to do right now is open up all the drawers and pull everything out, it is so fun for mom!

Caught Ya!

Last but not least, it is Taytons B-Day tomorrow! I can't believe my little boy is going to be 4! Happy Birthday Tayton, we love you!
sounds like you have had your hands full... But it sounds like loads of fun. Tanna looks so cute in her dress :)
Happy Birthday to Tayton from Jackson
UHHH!! cute kids. Hey I would love to see you. So call me when you get up here and we can arrange something.
Brice has that same dress! Well, it doesn't fit her any more. I am glad that the recital went well!!
how fun! And your little girl is getting so big! She looks just like her brother :)
I wish I could've been at the recital!! It looked like it was fun!! Aren't you glad you can do that and have all the support from the community!?! That's what's so great about living in a small town!! How was your UT trip?
so stinkin cute!! You arre such a hard worker, I am glad you have enjoys your dance classes!! We miss ya tons!!
I didn't know that you were teaching the classes. How do you do it? It looks like it was a lot of fun.
Tanna is soo cute, and getting so big! And I can't believe Tayton is 4. Just yesterday we were both pregnant with our boys.
Holy cow, Tayton is going to be 4! Where does time go? I remember perfectly going to your baby shower when you were pregnant with him. I can't believe how fast they grow up. Happy Birthday Tayton!
Happy late birthday to Tayton. I hear that the longer it takes to get teeth the better off you are to not get cavities. Sariah and Erika's teeth are so spaced I don't think cavities will be a big problem. The Easter dress is adorable. We are going to Utah in June. Any chance you will be there too?
I didn't know you teach dance. How fun. Those girls look so cute all dressed up.
You have the cutest kids! I can't believe how big your baby is... she is such a doll! And how fun to teach dance. I bet the kids love you!
Kali? Did you fall off the face of the earth? You haven't blogged in forever! How are things going? I miss you like crazy- I wish we would have had more time when you were out here.
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