Saturday, July 17, 2010

We will miss you!

My beautiful grandmother passed away last Saturday. I was so lucky to be up in Utah and I got to spend some time with her before she left us. It was so hard to say goodbye to her, but I know she is so happy to be with my grandpa again.

A few things I will miss about my grandma,

Her beautiful smile.

All of her funny stories.

All the garage sell junk she would try to give us whenever we came to visit.

Her horrible cooking, I know that sounds weird but it was so fun to see what she could come up with.

I will miss watching her oil paint. She was so talented.

Most of all I will miss her beautiful personality, she always had a way to make you laugh. She was so full of energy and was so fun to be around. I love you grandma, and I will miss you so much. Tell Grandpa, Uncle Bruce, and Nick hello from all of us, and I am so happy that I know we can all be together forever.
Love your grandaughter.

This is at Taytons baby blessing. I love this picture, it is Tayton with 4 of his great grandmothers. Sadly my grandma and Levis grandma have both passed but I am grateful I have this picture.

My two beautiful grandmas and Taytons baby blessing.

Here we are in the Brigham City Cemetery.


Jamie said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma Kali. She was beautiful and I love the memories you shared about her! Love ya

jill said...

Now I know where you get your beautiful smile! She is a beautiful lady & the memories you shared of her are precious. I'm so glad you were in Utah to be with her. Hugs to you sweet Kali!

The Thurgoods said...

I know its never easy to lose someone that you love. I am sorry Kali. You have some great pics of her and some fun memories. xoxo!