Eating cupcakes and ice cream. Happy Birthday little missy, we sure love you!
We had some friends over and we had a little party. Tanna had a lot of fun. Here they are eating pizza, Tannas favorite food.
Tanna opening up her presents.
She loved some of her presents. She absolutely hates the Cinderella dress I got her. She cried the entire time I put her in it, maybe she will like it for Halloween.
Here are a few pictures of my sisters wedding. My camera is broken and I can't get the pictures I took, so I stole these from my sisters blog.
Me with my beautiful sisters. I think I have the best sisters in the world.
The entire Glover group. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger and I love it.
The beautiful bride and groom. They looked so happy. I don't know why these pictures are so small, but I stole them off of facebook. Maybe if I can figure out why my camera is broken I will put up some more pictures.

My family at the temple.

Taking pictures at the temple. All of the Glover siblings except the missionary. It would have been perfect if he was there, but he is where he needs to be. Maybe one day we can all get together.

Two of my cute nieces. My little niece Trissy is so fun, they live in Texas and they are proud of it. She loves to make the Texas Longhorn sign I am not sure if you can see it in this picture. They are both the sweetest girls ever.

Taytons favorite thing was playing with his cousins. They had such a great time and loved playing outside. They played flag football and Tayton had a blast.

All the cousins together with Whitney and Sean.

Tayton with the boys.
Love you too and glad tanna had a great birthday, good luck with the surgery.
Sorry we miss ya. I miss seeing ya guys. I want to see my niece and nephew. Give them lots of hugs for me. Tell Tanna happy b-day.
How fun! And congrats to Whitney!
I can't believe tanna is 2...didn't you just have her??
Happy Birthday Tanna!! She is getting so big!
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