Thursday, February 7, 2013

Surgery day

I know last time I posted surgery was off, well on Tuesday Tayton started having problems breathing again. I took him to his pediatrician and he gave him some steroid shots and said if that didn't help we needed to go to Primary Childrens ER. I called his ear, nose, and throat doctor and he decided Tayton couldn't wait that he needed surgery to see what was wrong. The steroids worked pretty good and he had an ok night, so we took him to Primary Childrens Wednesday morning. He was not too happy for surgery to say the least. The doctors were thinking they were going to find scar tissue and just remove it and that would help his breathing but what they found was a lot worse and a lot more complicated. His vocal cords are basically stuck and don't move at all. And they are stuck in a spot that is blocking his airway which is why it is so hard for him to breathe. The doctor said it is like trying to breathe through a straw. He said it is very rare and he doesn't see it that often. So now we have to go to another specialist and have another surgery to move his vocal cords. I am not sure how that surgery works but I know it is going to be a rough one. The doctor talked to me about putting him on a ventilator again during the procedure and I just lost it and can't really deal with that right now. Hopefully the specialist will go through more in detail with me and have some good news. In the meantime we have to keep Tayton inside and he can not get sick. Even a slight cold like what he had can cause horrible breathing problems. They are thinking surgery will be in about six weeks which is three weeks before my baby comes. (Love the timing.) When we meet with the specialist I will explain it better but they said the complications are he will have a quiet voice the rest of his life. It will definitely be a lifetime problem and that breaks my heart. It has been very hard for me to process all of this but like I said hopefully the specialist will have more positive things to say. I was hoping this was our last surgery and this would have fixed his breathing issues. I just feel so bad he has to go through so much. I know Tayton doesn't do anything by the book so he may prove everyone wrong and come out of this better then anyone expected.
But on the happy note, Tayton had a special visitor come to wish him well before surgery. He was so excited to see him. I told Tayton earlier in the day he had someone coming to surprise him and he asked if it was the Physical Therapist. I told him it was way funner then that. So here was our special visitor.
Thank you to Levi's aunt for setting this up for us, and thanks to Big Blue for cheering up a little boy. Go Aggies!
Look at this cute smile, I love it!
For some reason Tanna is not a big fan of Big Blue. She saw him and ran up into her room and put the covers over her head. We brought her back down to try to tell her it was ok and this is how happy she was to be back in the same room as Big Blue, and no she is not laughing. Don't worry, we will work on her.
Mom, Tayton, and Big Blue.
Big Blue was showing us his handstands. I totally would have tried to beat him but it's a little harder to do handstands when you are super huge pregnant.
Big Blue was so fun, they were playing catch together. We need Big Blue to come do therapy every day.
Having fun with his new best buddy. It was so fun to have him come visit and it was so amazing to see how happy Tayton was. This kid deserves it, he has been through so much and still has so much he has to do. I am so happy every moment I get to be with my family. We have a lot to go through but at least we have each other to help us get through it.


Christa said...

President James E. Faust said: “I have a great appreciation for those loving parents who stoically bear and overcome their anguish and heartbreak for a child who was born with or who has developed a serious mental or physical infirmity. This anguish often continues every day, without relief, during the lifetime of the parent or the child. Not infrequently, parents are required to give superhuman nurturing care that never ceases, day or night. Many a mother’s arms and heart have ached years on end, giving comfort and relieving the suffering of her special child."

No matter what happens you have a family that loves you and supports you!

“Eventually the time will come when each ‘spirit and … body shall be reunited again in … perfect form; both limb and joint shall be restored to its proper frame’ (Alma 11:43). Then, thanks to the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can become perfected in Him.”

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry to hear this!! I hate having to go even to the hospital for check ups let alone watching your child endure surgery. I have learned a lot about the atonement and our Heavenly Father's love for us through watching Dakota suffer and endure. I want so badly to take it all away for him and that is what our Savior did for us. He suffered unimaginable things for us so that he could know how to help us through our difficult journey here! Lean on him in your weakest moments. He is the only one that can strengthen, uplift, and lighten you and Tayton's heavy load. You are so strong and amazing! We will pray for good news from the specialist!!!

Marilyn and Mike said...

Dear Kali - I wish I had a magic wand to make it all better. It gives me strength to read your blogs and see the pictures of your entire family. Their love and support for you shines through in their efforts to find the most perfect events to cheer Tayton up, and I know the depths of their love for you helps you to endure and find strength each day. Tayton is truly a special little guy with amazing strength and fortitude. He has continued to amaze us all with how far he has come, and we pray he will amaze and surprise the doctors with the outcome of his surgery. He is a little fighter! We continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Mike and Marilyn

Crissi said...

So sorry to hear of this latest trial, but remember to keep the faith. You still have Tayton with you and like you said, he doesn't do anything by the book. He and YOU will OVERCOME!

I know it is hard news to hear, but you both are so strong! Again, take things one day at a time.

Love and more prayers for you and your family.