Monday, February 4, 2013


So we have been cooped up inside and have been going a little crazy. I was scared to take Tayton out because I did not want him getting sick but emotionally we all needed it. So we found out that the same Star Wars characters who came to visit Tayton in the hospital were going to be at Winterpoluza at the south towne expo center. Tayton was so exctied to see them, he wanted to show them how much better he was and that he could walk. Tanna wanted to go so we could see the princesses. Anytime you can combine Star Wars characters and princesses in one place we are there. We got in and of course we had to find all the Star Wars characters. There were a few of the same people but a lot more characters. Taytons favorite were C3PO and Chewbacca. I took pictures and I would put them on here to show you, but someone, not naming and names accidently was adding pictures on from another SD card and erased all the Star Wars pictures. I feel sorry for this person because they have to deal with crazy, emotional, pregnant woman. I was really sad and almost in tears about loosing those pictures. Tayton doesn't know yet. But hopefully we can find them again and get some more pictures. It is just sad that was the main reason why we went and I have nothing to show for it. Tayton was even talking about putting the Star Wars pictures on his wall in his room. Oh well, not much I can do about it. But here are the few pictures that didn't get erased.
Tanna and her princesses.
Tayton enjoying the bounce houses and slides.
Then after Winterpoluza we met my sweet Grandma for her 90th Birthday Party. She is the sweetest lady in the world and so happy to have her here with us. Happy 90th birthday Grandma, we love you!
This is my grandma with her three children and their spouses.
Here is the group of us who could come. Tayton was so tired by this point he was not going to be in any pictures. Also this weekend I feel like I lost another grandma. For about the past two years I go every Thursday morning to Sister Walkers house and play Rook with her and other amazing women. When Tayton was in the hospital, Marilyn Walker had surgery and ended up in the hospital too. She was able to come home and we did get two rounds of our Thursday Rook in before she returned back to our Heavenly Father yesterday. I will miss her, she was such a great example on how to live an amazing life. She has left such a great legacy and I am so lucky to have spent the time with her that I did. She was great friends with my other grandma and taught me sunday school back when I was 15. Thanks for all the wonderful memories, you will be missed.---------------------- The other bad news of our journey out is that Tayton did get sick and has a pretty good cough going on. So he is not going to be able to have his surgery on Wednesday because of his coughing. He is happy about it, me I am ready to get him breathing good. Guess we are back to being quarantined in our house again. Hopefully they can reschedule it soon but as on Monday night the surgery is off. Other then that he has been doing a lot better. Therapy is still hard for him, his right hand is doing really good but his left wrist and fingers are really tight still and he is in a lot of pain. I do therapy at home with him 3-5 times a day (depending on how tight he is) then we go three times a week to the Brigham City Hospital to their physical therapist. It is a nice break for me when someone else can do it. He got new burn gloves in but his left hand it caused some huge blisters so we have to wait until those heal until he can wear the burn gloves again on his left hand. So he has one arm in a glove and the other is just wrapped up in tight bandages. Emotionally he is doing a lot better. He is smiling more, but he is not the same boy he was. He is less cuddly and creative. He used to love to draw and make up his own stories but now he has no desire. Hopefully that little creative spark will come back in him. He is still the sweetest thing ever and so happy I get to be his mom.-------------- I am just feeling really pregnant. I feel the past two week my belly has grown like crazy. I am really uncomfortable. I did get to hold a 7 week old little girl and for the first time during this pregnancy I was actually baby hungry. I feel bad I haven't been more excited for our little Blakeli to come but things are so stressful I am not sure how a newborn is going to fit in with everything else going on. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait for her to come, I just want to be a good mom to all three of my kids and I just don't feel like if she came right now I could give her what she needs. I know I just need to trust our Heavenly Father and we will make it work somehow. I love being a mom and so happy for all three of my beautiful children and I pray every night I get to spend more time with them.

1 comment:

Marilyn and Mike said...

Kali - I am so glad you all were able to have a wonderful outing and especially Star Wars and Princesses - a double bonus! We pray for good days for Tayton, and strength for you to endure all his pain and hardships. Your journey continues to amaze us all and we keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. Mike and Marilyn