Thursday, February 21, 2008

Our fun day!

This picture has nothing to do about our day but I just wanted to put up a picture of my two cute boys. We had a really fun day yesterday and I just wanted to tell everyone all about it. We had to wake up around 4 am because Tayton was getting a little surgery done. He got tubes put in his ears. He actually did really good. The hardest part for me was when they took him back for surgery and I couldn't go with him. He kept holding his arms out and screaming I want my mommy. It was sad but I did good and held back the tears. The surgery was only about 10 minutes then the doctor came in and said he was all done and it went really good. He did have some thick mucus behind both of his eardrums which made it really hard for Tayton to hear. We got to take Tayton home right after and he was feeling a little tired but really happy to be out of the hospital. The rest the day he just played with his trains and he was fine. I am really glad we had his surgery done. He has been saying he hears really loud now, so I think that means he can hear a lot better.

Well later that night Levi was working on our truck. He was replacing the shocks and somehow he smashed his left hand pretty good. He was bleeding all over. I was afraid he broke his hand and needed some stiches too. So I drove back to the hospital. We were in the ER forever, and Tayton was so hyper it was really hard to keep him under control. By the time the doctor saw him the bleeding had stopped. They basically glued his cut back together with superglue and taped it so it would stay shut. They said it is about the same as stiches but his cut was pretty straight so it will heal up nice. I am glad he didn't get hurt any worse. We were at the hospital longer for Levi's cut than we were for Taytons surgery. We didn't get home until after 11 p.m. It was a long day.

So that was our fun day. Two trips to the hospital. But both of my boys are doing great so I am glad things turned out ok. For some reason my spell checker has not been working lately, so sorry for all the misspelled words.


The Robbins said...

Wow...That DOES sound like a fun day, a fun day that I would like to not have to experience! I hope the tubes help Tayton, they did wonders for my niece.

Andi said...

I am glad to hear that Tayton's surgery went well. I was wondering how it went. Sorry to hear that you had to go back to the hospital! I am glad to hear that Levi's hand wasn't too bad. My spellchecker hasn't been working either! It has been bothering me, but oh well!! We can all misspell together!

The Johnsons said...

That sucks! I hope that having a girl calms things down a little because believe me, the more boys you add to a family the crazier your days get! I am glad that Tayton's surgery went well. And I am glad that he seems to be hearing better! Surgeries are terrible, but always great when things end up better! I talked to Ashley Hoyal the other day. She keeps in touch with Tasha and Whit. She wants to know when you are coming to Utah next so we could have a get together. I told her I would ask, but I figured it wasn't going to be before I move.

Jamie said...

Oh WOW, ya that is quite the big day, jeez! I hope poor little Tayton is feeling better, and Levi too! I wonder why all of the bad things always have to happen all at once?!!

Jessica Davis said...

I know I have told you before but your little Tayton is seriously one of the cutest kids I have ever seen! I love his blonde hair with his brown eyes! Anyway it does sound like a long day. My neice Sadie had tubes and she was like a whole new person it helped so much! I have the internet now so I can hopefully blog a little more frequently. I can visit you more often too! I am so excited for you! A little girl, how fun!

Kristen said...

Hey cutie! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to say hi. Thanks for commenting on my blog. It was so great to hear from you! You have the cutest family! Your little boy totally looks like you :-). Now that I know about your blog I'll definitely be checking it out! Hope to hear from you soon!

Kristen (Weeks) Peterson :-)

Jared & Tami said...

That Sucks!! I hope your guys are doing better. I'm sure it hasn't slowed Tayton down at all. :)
Hope you are feeling well.

ashleyhoyal said...

Kali! How are you?! I was on google and ran across your blog-email me so we can get caught up!
