Well all week Tayton was praying that we would find blue bear, and to keep blue bear safe. I was getting worried because I thought that if we couldn't find blue bear I didn't want Tayton to think that Heavenly Father and Jesus weren't real. So I was going to stop telling Tayton to pray so he might forrget about it when I thought where is your faith Kali? So we kept praying for blue bear.
Sunday came and Tayton did not want to go to church. I told him we had to go to find blue bear, then he couldn't hurry fast enough. We got to church and when we pulled up Tayton said, "Mom, Jesus is going to help me find blue bear." We looked around for a while and then we found him! Tayton picked him up and kissed him and said, "Don't ever leave me again blue bear, I missed you". Then he said "Mom Jesus really helped me find him, I love Jesus." I was so cute, really hard to hold the tears in.
It might not seem like a big deal but this bear means everything to Tayton. I am so glad that Tayton and me learned a really great leason. Even though you are only 3, Heavenly Father will still answer your prayers. Yea, the chuch is true!
Tayon is only a couple of days old in this picture.

Tayton, blue bear, and black bear. (He isn't attached to black bear like he is blue bear)

I just had to put this picture in, Tayton loves to climb in Tanna's crib and turn on her mobile. She just loves Tayton. It is so fun to watch them together. I never thought Tayton would be so cute with her. They seriously have such a special bond together.
Oh wow, she has grown!! I miss you guys tons!!!
I love it when we can teach those kind of lessons to the kids. It is moments like those that you think there is hope for your children!! :)
That is the cutest story. It's hard to keep the tears in. I'm so glad he found blue bear.
Cute picture of Tayton and Tanna. Jackson loves to get in Haleighs crib too. ;)
I hope everything is going well with you guys. Good luck with the move.
Yea!! Blue Bear is back. And what an awesome way to teach Tayton about prayer. (and Mom a little too, huh). I love when I learn lessons the same time my kids do- reminds me that Moms need to learn and grow too. I'm proud of you for having the faith to keep praying. That's a good lesson for Tayton too- that Mom had the faith that we would find blue bear.
That is such a cute story! We love you guys. Tell tayton hi from kaden his fav cuz
What a cute story!! I'm glad he found his blue bear! I love the picture of him in Tanna's crib. I can't believe how much she has grown!
That is a great great experience, for both of you! I hope you write that down and tell it to him when he is older. Such a sweet experience.
What a cute story! I'm so glad you shared it. What a way for his little testimony to grow!
That's too cute. I love small teaching moments like that because they really are the big moments.
I am happy to hear that you found his blue bear. Too bad Ashton didn't lose his bear at church or maybe we would have found him. Oh well, I am still a little sad about it, but I think that Ashton is over it! Tanna is so cute!
That made me cry just a little. what a stinking cute story. I bet he'll remember that one for a long time.
That is such A cute little story I love it! Ya I heard about Jared, please let me know if you hear anymore details!
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