Here I am having so much fun getting all the seeds out of my pumpkin.

Here is the first place pumpkin! It was supposed to be a werewolf but I was almost done then I accidently destroyed it. So all that was left was a big hole. Tayton decided he wanted to hang skeletons, pumpkins, and a bat from the inside and then he painted the rest of the pumpkin. It was definitely one of a kind.

The other prize winning pumpkin. Too bad there were only 4 pumpkins entered and mine took 3rd.
Tanna and daddy. Tanna is a bear, it was Taytons old costume. Everyone thought she was a boy, but what can you do? Levi dressed up like a sexy Game Warden! It was very realistic.
Here is Tayton in the costume parade.
In this picture the high school seniors are reading a spooky Halloween story to all the kids, and they put on a little skit too. All the kids loved it.
Then on Halloween we went to the children's Halloween party at the elementary school. They had ring toss, bean bag toss, a egg spoon race, and a cake walk. Tayton had a lot of fun, he loves to play those little carnival games.

Trying hard at ring toss.

I did it! Sorry it is blurry but he was jumping up and down.

Tatyon throwing the bean bags!

Tayton doing the egg race. He was having a hard time because he kept dropping it but he soon figured out a way too cheat which made it a lot funner.
Then later that night we went trick-or-treating. Every year we have always gone trunk-or-treating, but it was so fun to go door to door. It reminded me of when I was little. People in Eureka are very generous and Tayton filled up his entire bag in an hour. We had such a great time, and Tayton was so excited he even forgot about going to the bathroom, so we had to leave a little earlier so we could take care of some business. Then later we went out to the local diner for a quick dinner and ended up staying for 2 1/2 hours. They had a little Halloween party and we just hung out with a bunch of people and ate some good food. It was so much fun. Then we came home and watched Monster House. (Smart idea to have a toddler watch a scary movie before bedtime.) So then Tayton slept in our bed all night because he was scared that the house would eat him. He seems to be over it today. This year was definitely one of the best Halloweens ever!

Look at all that candy!
Too bad the werewolf got destroyed, but it turned out looking pretty dang cute. Your kids look adorable in their costumes, they're so cute!
Your pumpkins are so cute and creative. Your kids look so cute!
I think your pumpkins turned out great! Love the costumes. I'm glad you all had so much fun in your new town!
I saw the lights of laughlin when I pulled into my driveway last night and thought of you. Your kids looked great in their costumes Tayton makes a very cute pirate! He earned it, right? We miss you tons. Is it fall there? It is still over 90 here and I am getting depressed.
I love the costumes. Tayton and Tanna look cute. Cory told me how fun tayton had. Your pumpkins turn out good. Rylan can't wait to see ya all.
Hey this is Mike, we need your new phone numbers. Ours are still the same. Hope everything is good.
What a great Halloween. I love seeing the pics and hearing about life in Eureka. I can't wait until we can come visit. I would love to see all the hot spots!
We miss you guys!
BTW, at least your pumpkin placed...I feel sorry for pumpkin number 4. :(
Looks like a lot of fun!! Maybe we should move to Eureka!! Donna told My mother-in-law about your plotting! Too funny! Cute costumes and pumpkins.
You guys look like you schooled us on the fun level and I thought we had a good time. But what did you dress up as? I think you're going to know everyone's names by the time I come to visit, which I hope is soon. WE MISS YOU!!!!
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