Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Slow improvements

Today was another slow day, not to much this morning, he was pretty calm. He kept getting wiggly later in the afternoon, and he pulled his ventilator tube out just a little bit so they had to fix it. They had him pretty sedated for most of the day and his ventilator settings are still pretty high. He did open his eyes later in the evening but is still really tired. Some good news is his white blood cell count went down again. So hopefully the antibiotics are kicking in. We are still just waiting for his lungs to get stronger, but his burns are looking great.----------- Tanna came today and it is so fun to see her. She loves going to pre-school so I am glad she still goes. She wants to write on the blog so here she is again.---tanna w xcdcvd sgjkyeidsj cxdgr hxnsvbesrz cffdry gdvbdv hhfqss f taytonfghjkjgfdzv dsefv cd ------------Well we are going to enjoy some family time together, and I hope you all do the same. We love you Tayton, keep up the great work and we are so proud of you. I love you most, mom

1 comment:

Marilyn and Mike said...

Kali - today at work my friends asked about Tayton and asked I tell you they are thinking of you and Tayton and keeping him in their thoughts and prayers to continue to improve. They all are amazed and humbled by your strength. Tayton's strong little spirit reaches further and further every day, and at Christmas time reminds everyone how precious friends and family are.